When is it the right time to wean your baby?
The NHS advise that weaning should begin around 6 months. Beyond 6 months babies have nutritional requirements that cannot be met by milk alone (formula or breast milk). Food is not a replacement but is introduced alongside milk so that babies can start to get in those nutrients and also learn and develop skills needed for eating.
Some people choose to wean their babies earlier than 6 months, closer to 4 months, and certainly that is what was done 20 or so years ago. The guidance is that it should be ‘around’ 6 months which might well mean your baby is ready before the 6-month mark, but it is all down to whether your baby is showing signs of readiness.
What I would advise is not to leave weaning too long beyond 6 months, even If your baby is slow to take to solids, that is fine and it can be built at gentle pace. There are 3 important signs to look out for that will indicate if your baby is ready for food.
Can your baby stay in a seated position and hold their head steady? Some babies still need a bit of support with sitting independently at 6 months. Sometimes adding a little extra padding in the high chair can help as long as they are able to hold their heads steady. I also found the seats, such as the bumbo, good for feeding as they are really supportive.
Hand eye coordination, can they pick up food and put to their mouth?
Are they able to swallow more food than is pushed back out? The tongue thrust reflex is when something is placed in a baby’s mouth they automatically push it out with their tongue. It usually starts to disappear around 4-6 months but this can vary between babies.
Weaning is a really big step in parenthood and can at times be stressful for parents, but it is also a really fun and enjoyable time. Whilst I had a fairly relaxed approach to weaning and didn’t have an overly rigid plan I do think a bit of prep work can really help the process. Having a rough plan of what you are going to feed your baby in the first 2 weeks, doing some food prep and getting friendly with your freezer is worth considering.
I also really recommend the book ‘How to wean your baby’ by Charlotte Stirling-Reed as a great place to start on the weaning journey.
Another recommendation, if you haven’t already, is to do a paediatric first aid course as choking is often a cause of anxiety for parents and being equipped with the skills to deal with this situation can help you feel more confident.
My final words would be to embrace the mess and enjoy those funny faces and reactions to new tastes! If you are looking for additional support on your weaning journey or have specific concerns please click here to drop me a message.
NHS start for life https://www.nhs.uk/start4life/weaning/ready-or-not/